Desert Spring

Desert Spring

Artist identify things that are being experienced consciously or unconsciously by their audience, like putting a melody or face to it.
For the painting (Desert Spring 72 x 58 x 1.5" o/c) I've submitted, my inspiration comes from my experience in West Texas, at a place I visit frequently. A place where I used to consider the edge of the desert I now consider a desert.

Three Poems from The Future is Trying to Tell Us Something

Three Poems from The Future is Trying to Tell Us Something

Someone spilled a drop of me

and now I'm everywhere,
immersing pebbles on the shore,
scaring nesting plovers,

boring their endangered chicks
with unasked-for confessions
that I was young once too,

that I can't fly either,
that I startle myself
when I glimpse my face in the mirror.

Women Goddesses Series

Women Goddesses Series

The arts are important because we express the beauty of being human within it. That capability of creating out of ideas and materials is precious. And I believe that this is what constitutes us, or better, what defines us. Maybe some people do this job in somehow more expressive and outstanding manner. Still, the creative process begins its motion every time that we look at the sky, we pay attention to a human expression, or we care about Nature. It is precisely there when the magic begins.

 I Am Not the Ocean’s Daughter


Eden, as an idea, is woven into the fabric of human existence. The idea of home and sanctuary cross cultures. Navigating across seas, through forest, over mountains, along sandy shores to collectively reside as a longing in our hearts. In my Eden, I walk the labyrinth of a unique place, a water world sparkling in nostalgia of her decadent past. Sunlight greets moonlight dancing along the tide, keeping me buoyed.

Standing on the Sky

Standing on the Sky

The space above the earth
is not separate
from the space beneath its surface
It was not separate
before the earth was born
it is not separate now
though I will no doubt take One breath
and attempt to divide it into two
Nor will it be separate
once this land is no more
and God will perhaps Sighhhh
and release me in Her breath 

Jill Zheng

Jill Zheng

I love hiking in the woods, listening to bird songs and seeing different shades of greens, yellows and reds in the vegetation. It’s a time to be with other species and appreciate the multitude forms of life that allows our planet thrive. There was also a rare moment in the city of Shanghai when a squirrel suddenly landed on my hand as I was walking on the street. It was a split second of touch, yet a true moment of intimacy (the paws pressed on my skin) felt from our kin. Life is a planetary phenomenon, and its biodiversity is something I don’t wish and we can’t afford to lose. We need to rebuild our kinship with life on earth that’s deeply rooted in evolutionary time and understand our place as a node in the mesh of the more-than-human world.

Thanatos & Eros

Thanatos & Eros

The God Eros is the god of passion, love, and eroticism in Greek mythology. It represents the “life drive,” and probably everyone has heard of it. Perhaps the god Thanatos - god of death - won't be as well-known; and he was, and continues to be, my great interest, so I dedicated most of my study to him. Not to be confused with Hades, the god of the dead. Thanatos inspired Sigmund Freud, who determined that all instincts fall into one of two main classes: the life instincts or the death instincts. The Life Instincts (Eros) are those that deal with basic survival, pleasure, and reproduction. Regarding the Death Instinct (Thanatos), Freud proposed that “the goal of all life is death.” He concluded that people have an unconscious desire to die, but that this desire is largely tempered by life instincts. In Freud's view, self-destructive behavior is an expression of the energy created by death instincts. When this energy is directed outward, and toward others, it is expressed as aggression and violence.

 i imagine john ashbery reading my book instead of dying; inanimate stranger; since the world is war

i imagine john ashbery reading my book instead of dying; inanimate stranger; since the world is war

By John Compton

i imagine john ashbery reading my book instead of dying

john ashbery laid my book
on his desk, his face
aligned with the cover.

his fingers stitched neatly,
binding his hands.
his eyes extending their reach.

he sat, soundlessly,
listening to david, in the other room,
gather produce for a vegetable soup.

the pantry door creaked gently,
dropping a poem into the air.
he breathed, a subtle groan—

the sound of preparing.

john lingered at the title page,
letting the poems simmer:
a breath caught in his cheek.

he slid his finger across trainride,
met the corner of the page,
& turned to “felicity.”

he understood the mathematical equation
referencing a blowjob.
his smile creased like a dog-ear.


inanimate stranger

i scout a pocket
to inhabit. the room
renders listless. 

my mind distends with displeasure.

every second trickles. water
slurs through the glass.

air is soaking
with the smell. in the road

the dog is as heavy
as my pen.

he is a chattel
of my imagination. a meager
creature to the yellow

lines. the chatter behind me
becomes anonymous.

a girl shrieks. her flushed
face speaks
for her humane mouth.


a man
kisses a lady
in a photograph.

their white frowzy hair
speaks depths

about their happiness.


since the world is war

writing poetry
his country.

he records new cities
while watching
become rubble.

he sounds out
turns the music
of warheads

he witnesses
children die—

he watches mothers
weep, ripped apart, then

he scrutinizes men
with power,
wanting to be gods,
becoming gods.


he tries to ignore
the corpus mountain
that accumulates
outside his window

because in his nightmares
ominous stares
haunt him—

dead eyes
never close—

there, the deceased rise.

John Compton (b. 1987) has been writing poetry for over 22 years. He is a gay poet who lives in Kentucky with his husband, Josh, and their dogs and cats. His latest full-length book is my husband holds my hand because i may drift away & be lost forever in the vortex of a crowded store published with Flowersong Press (Dec 2024); his latest chapbook is melancholy arcadia published with Harbor Editions (April 2024).

The Creative Process is created with kind support from the Jan Michalski Foundation.