Alison Clancy

Alison Clancy

Art helps me love people. Everyone looks beautiful when they are dancing. The process of creating art invites one to explore themselves, their values, instincts, and aesthetics and develop sensitivity as to how we interact with the world around us. Viewing art invites audiences to be curious about other perspectives. Through art, we can better understand how and why people do what they do. It develops our sensitivity to subtext and context. Art enhances empathy for ourselves and each other.

Silvia Poloto

Silvia Poloto

The Creative Process resonates with me because it aligns with the values of preserving and celebrating the richness of human creativity and culture. By exploring the arts and humanities, we can foster deeper connections between people and communities, encouraging shared experiences and dialogue across cultures and generations.

3 poems
Figures In Spaces #21

Figures In Spaces #21

S.A. Aguillón-Mata is a Mexican-American author and artist inspired by tradition, circumstance, and whim. He has published the fiction and prose volumes Quién escribe (Paisajista) (IZC, 2004), Tratado (De una zona privada) (Pictographia, 2014), and Envés (UANL, 2016). His work also features in numerous anthologies, compilations, and literary magazines, both printed and web-based, in Mexico and the USA. He has both curated and participated in contemporary art shows in Cincinnati, OH, where he resides.

Rachelmauricio Castro

Rachelmauricio Castro

The arts are fundamental to humanity’s existence and survival on the planet because, in addition to showcasing creations and teaching techniques on how to create, they broaden human perception and thought. Through techniques and methods of thought, one can better perceive the directions of the world and gain an idea of ​​how to act or anticipate situations with previous experiences from other ancient but similar eras. One can also increasingly explore the techniques of effects and technology, which are increasingly present in the arts and in humanity’s daily life.

 Book Two: CHORUS as Elegy for the Lost Daugher
The nature of love, the love of nature

The nature of love, the love of nature

In my reality, Nature is the purest expression of God (not in a religious way). As we are an integral part of Nature, it acts as a mirror to our inner world, revealing at every moment its profound intelligence, beauty, and infinite mystery. Nature teaches us how to dance with life, embrace uncertainty, and move gracefully within the chaos of change.

Carl Scharwath
Maria Louceiro
Earth, Sky & Water

Earth, Sky & Water

The arts and The Creative Process are important because they allow us to connect. Art is a byproduct of the artist connecting with something bigger than themselves. In my case, I connect with nature, and the outcome is a painting. If the connection is complete, then the resulting picture contains a record of that, and a discerning viewer will perceive that and make yet another connection, completing the cycle. Art is a shared energy, and the artist is a conduit.

Glowing Stellium

Glowing Stellium

In light of our world's exponential growth through AI and technology in general, the arts and humanities have never been more critical to our continued growth as a species. Without the arts and humanities to bring us into stillness and contemplation, we would be left with purely materialistic, physicalist views and miss out on the truth of our oneness.

Title: Boy and violin
Olga Rokhmanyuk

Olga Rokhmanyuk

On a physical level, we have the ability to influence only as long as we are alive.
We are alive as long as we are in an environment that can support our life.
By destroying the environment, which is a necessary condition for our existence, we deprive ourselves of the ability to influence.

The Passion and The Restraint

The Passion and The Restraint

My work is driven by spontaneity and intuition and I have to restrain myself sometimes from throwing everything at the painting. However, I also like to paint purely for the act of painting, and the tension I feel between the two is where I need to find the right balance, hence the name of this painting.

The Crossing
 Vivian Marie Doering

Vivian Marie Doering

The arts possess the unique ability to simultaneously present multiple perspectives that can spark challenges, create community or prompt profound questions. As someone recently observed and shared with me, 'Your work makes visible what we are all feeling.' This encapsulates the power of art and the creative process: to bring to the surface the often-unseen or unresolved dichotomies of the human experience – joy and sorrow, strength and vulnerability, humor and anger, beauty and darkness. I believe as a society, especially in this age of extreme opinions, algorithms and the loss of civil discourse, art can speak to the complexities of our shared experiences.

Valentina Conchie

Valentina Conchie

Creativity is our fundamental, inherent need - it defines us as humans and serves as a unique way of self-expression. We must cherish and nurture this trait as it is essential to our survival as a species. Art is a universal language that eliminates artificial borders between people, offering a powerful tool to address the crucial issues for our civilization in a profoundly unique way. For me, as an artist, it is invaluable to have access to the insights of the leading voices in the creative field, to feel the relevance, and to have the opportunity to share my thoughts. I believe that adding perspectives of young creatives into this platform will not only enhance its reach and add a fresh perspective but also build a bridge to the future. Every child is an artist, free from constraints or prejudices. As a mother of two, I draw immense inspiration and positivity from my children.

 Just a Little Room


Setting and historical note: The following story takes place in 1st century Rome, during the reign of Gaius Julius Caesar, colloquially known as Caligula. The year is approximately 38 CE.
NARRATOR: With a swift, anxious tread, comely Drusilla proceeded through the lavish halls and chambers of the new mansion on Palatine Hill. Under other circumstances, she might have been waylaid by any one of the two-score retainers that her brother the emperor routinely kept on hand. Most everyone knew that Gaius Caesar’s second sister was by far the gentlest member of the imperial family. Her sweet and indulgent smile drew petitioners like moths to a flame. But that morning she strode more quickly and frowned more deeply than usual. Even Agrippinilla, with all her quiet authority, struggled a moment to secure the girl’s undivided attention.

Untitled, London

Untitled, London

I am drawn to The Creative Process because it resonates with my belief that art is both personal expression and an evolving conversation. I believe that images are not merely representations, but catalysts for introspection, provoking reflection and challenging perception. This project feels like a natural extension of that pursuit: an opportunity to share my vision with others who, like me, value the subtleties of individual perception over the noise of passing trends. It might also be interesting to consider how different perspectives shape the narrative of the human experience.