It's not about travelling less, but it's about travelling differently.

Time is one of the elements that everybody in the world experiences. As we encounter time in the present, this moment instantly becomes the past and the future becomes the present. However, according to the spacetime continuum, time is relative to space on a constant world line. Every point of ‘time’ is happening, but as we move across the space in our acceleration, we experience these passing moments in space-time. Due to the warp of spacetime with the massive object called Earth, we can then experience different time at the same moment. Like an eclipse, seen from different locations, can be your present, past or future, but they are happening at one specific point in time. Inspired by this aspect of time, this work represents the spacetime sheet on an arbitrary world line that warps and continues to exist outside a point in time. This investigates the idea of time being a measurement for us; we are engaging in the consequence of time and space interacting with each other instead of a “flow” of time.


Spacetime Continuum
Digital print and yarn, 16 x 16 in

Visit Helen’s website for more information and artwork