Through my collaborations with The Creative Process, I am exploring storytelling and my creativity, both of which I am incredibly passionate about. I am connecting with other individuals that share these goals and this fire. I’m learning how to approach a difficult story or a more fragile one, but still be able to portray it in a gripping voice. I believe that doing all of these things not only make me a better creative, but also make me a better person. And that is always my ultimate goal. 

Currently, I act as Editor-In-Chief for Saint Louis University’s branch of Her Campus, an online magazine for college-aged women. I am also in the midst of copy-editing for One World Magazine. Two of my pieces were recently accepted for publication into The Halcyone, a selective poetry journal. Personally, I am continuing to grow my own writing skills by chronicling my travels, thoughts, and experiences on my blog. 

In the future, I look forward to continuing to write and edit daily through the positions that I hold at Saint Louis University. I hope to have an internship for the summer which will allow me to push myself and work in an environment that is different from what I experience at SLU.

To put it bluntly, storytelling is the reason that I write. I firmly believe that a single story has the power to build us, to break us, to mold our hearts and make them softer. Storytellers are able to give the gift of mental emancipation by granting a voice to the voiceless. We are vessels of liberation, and when trusted with this great task, we must be extremely careful. We must do every story justice. We must tell the untold, help the mute stand upon a hilltop and declare.

This brings me to the point of creativity. In order to be an effective storyteller, we must work with creativity. There is an insane amount of media available today, coming at audiences from all angles. Whatever we write has to stand out if it is ever to be clicked at all. Our responsibility to tell a story that will pay homage to its owner depends on how creative we can be with the material we get, how beautiful of a thing we can craft from the most simple of words.