For the past year, I have been attempting to and struggling with finding my own style and aesthetic when it comes to my art. Last semester, I spent a lot of time working with physical film and fell in love with it. There’s a certain feeling that film photography/video captures that digital photography/video can’t, and I want to incorporate that into my art. I take 35mm photography and develop, print, and scan my own photos, and I also know how to operate and film on a 16mm camera. I wouldn’t have these skills if it weren’t for my professors last semester, whom I grew very comfortable with and looked up to for knowledge and guidance. My artistic vision and identity are constantly evolving, but I’m happy to have found something I enjoy (and am good at) with the help of teachers.

It’s difficult for me to focus on one thing for too long. Some may say it’s because I get bored easily, but I think it’s because I’m a very curious person. I can’t sit still for long — I’m always looking to try something new. Last year I filmed an experimental film and spent a lot of time in the dark room with my 35mm photography. Currently, I’m working on video art, still take 35mm photography, and have started listening to more podcasts. I am also working on my final sophomore film. 

My plans for the future constantly change based on however I’m feeling currently, but for now, I’m interested in starting my own podcast, curating artwork (specifically video art and film photography), and telling stories.

This is my experimental film, shot and edited in December 2019

My art Instagram has my best 35mm photography