By Cinzia Meneghello

The arts and the creative process allow us to connect to our human essence, the sacred, the mysteries of life. Art speaks a universal language that bridges and elevates our well-being as individuals and as communities. The Creative Process is a beautiful and important register of creativity from all around the world, featuring people of diverse backgrounds and lived experiences. I am so proud to have been selected to be part of this inspiring and important project. What stands out to me the most about it is not just how well curated it is, but the fact that this has been accomplished within an equitable, welcoming and all-encompassing framework. I would love to see this project expand even further by also becoming a full-length video documentary detailing its history and achievements.

I believe my art to be very much in dialogue with the work of many of the contributors of the Creative Process, a project that deeply resonates with my own intention as an artist. My art practice is guided by a strong interest in the healing and contemplative qualities of art, from the cathartic effect of viewing art to the reflective and meditative process of artmaking itself. My inspiration often comes from prolonged sessions of prayer and walking meditation, as well as the sounds and sights all around me. When I was a child, my dream was to have magic powers. Growing up I learned that magic can be found in small acts of kindness, and that good fairytales never age. My work often incorporates symbolic allusions to myths and fairytales, the rhythms of nature and life cycles. Trees and stars are ever-present in my paintings, alluding to concepts relating to family trees/roots, migrations/transformations, and microcosms/macrocosms. My goal is to capture the universal essence of our inner landscape and stories. Through my art, I hope to inspire viewers by offering glimpses of stillness and power, beauty and joy, the divine and the human.

Originally from Italy, Cinzia Meneghello is an artist, designer and curator based in NYC. She has exhibited and collaborated extensively with museums, galleries, theaters, independent art venues, and nonprofits organizations in New York and beyond. Learn more about her and her work at

The Creative Process is created with kind support from the Jan Michalski Foundation.

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