As a journalist, storytelling is a fundamental part of the job. Storytelling is captivating and keeps us connected. However, in order to communicate your message to a larger audience, you must be creative. With creativity, a story can go from dull to intricate. Stories are moving and remind us of our humanity. I hope to have a meaningful experience that help me as a storyteller. With The Creative Process, I am learning to expand the way in which I communicate as well as priding myself in having a different perspective and talking about subjects that are either hard to talk about, are not talked about enough, or are challenging. 

Right now I am working to have my own podcast and blog for my student organization called United Against Discrimination. I am also writing my own column and have my own photography and documentary blog that I would like to continue to expand. I have included the links of those works here. My plan for the future is to keep making conversation about racial issues minorities face and also take it to the international level. For now, I focus on racial issues in America, and have dabbled into Mexico, but want to talk about racial issues in different countries and make my content international.