I recently graduated from the University of Washington Bothell and I double majored in Culture, Literature, and the Arts(CLA) and Global Studies. I plan to go back to university to get my Masters.
I think a major importance of the arts is to give out messages about important issues. I think of art being used in movements and I realize how important its existence is. It offers a new perspective and a new view to a matter. Art in a way is its own language. Some people need it as an outlet to express themselves fully in this way, and other people need it in order to understand those people and their perspective. I think that art unites people as well. I'm thinking culture-wise. Cultures may be vastly diverse with different customs, beliefs, and languages but art might help us discover that we have some commonalities. As the world becomes more globalized I think of, for example, how music or film across the world is being more so appreciated across borders. We are starting to not see language as a barrier that makes us different, but instead are valuing the art that is produced by these different cultures in order to appreciate and relate to one another. This is important because as we progress as humanity we must set aside our differences to work together and solve world issues. Through The Creative Process, I'd like to learn more about art curation as it is something I'm very curious to pursue. I'd like to learn about the process. I am also very much interested in helping showcase our local artists in this traveling exhibition. I think that we live in a quite diverse community as it is, therefore international viewers might definitely relate to at least one piece of work. I would like to help to achieve this goal of putting together a cohesive yet diverse exhibition
Drawing of my dogs (Eleanor, Napoleon, and Prince)
First time using charcoal. (Apple in skull)
Xerox art(?)(inspired by an anime called No Game No Life)