For me, storytelling and creativity are life components, more than professional issues. As a panarchist artivist, i tend to boycott the "pro" forms. I think Terrians should be more involved in improving their TerraLife, together and individually, more than trying to meet conventional, imperfect, even corrupted-corrupting standards. What is the gain for an artist if his/her tools are polluting the very Planet he/she tries to make better, or if his/her ecosociable work is applauded by a degrading society etc.? I think we should first care about protecting our world, and then about producing, in the most ecosociable manner. Shouldn't we start to think of making our terralives, our beings some artworks, more in the way of the plants, of the butterflies, who use less toxic, more moderate means to survive and express themselves?

The Creative Process is new to me. I hope we can dialogue, learn from each other, share thoughts and work together for a better Planet-Family throught sciarts. I hope for a better and more terraprotective Future. Taking into account the fact that terrian Time is finite, as anything in our finite Cosmos. We, humans, need to evolve as ecosociable beings.

I have made a few verses at the beginning of this year, with wishes that have not yet been accomplished.

"May Youth of Twenty-and-Twenty

Make Unity For Terra-Family

In Equity and Protectivity.

Eucracy builds Panarchy

Of Terra.Gods, for Heality."

In my humble opinion, all and everybody have to learn the unifying, integrative philosophy of CosmoRatioPantheism (a theory of existence as terrian gods=superior beings, in reasonable ways, in the Cosmic perspective), instead of sectarian, only-selfish philosophies. This king of globality-friendly philosophy should help us to improve the necessary, systemic TerraProtectivity, including selfprotectivity. "I hope, some day, you will join us, and the world will be as one."

My recent work is centered on ecosociable art. Art of word, music and image. I have published on my blog and different social media, facebook, instagram, twitter, linkedin, artivist reflections on the human condition as ederevolving beings dwelling, learning, protecting and healing in-on our mirable Terra-Family-Ship. Art is also a therapy for ecosocial wounds.  ( etc.) For the future, i want to support support more the ethics in anthropic activities, including healthcare, and the ending of fake, toxic nutrimedication in our terrian lives.