I think of creation as a place of processing,  an archive of intimate experiences. It’s a form of communication that expresses the authentic self in its truest form. The arts are so important because they are one of few spaces where fluidity, lawlessness, and imagination is encouraged in a world built on rigidity. Through my collaboration with The Creative Process  I am learning, listening, and growing with and from other creatives while simultaneously working in community to create.  

Recently I have been working on a series of paintings made on pieces of unused drywall that have been sitting in my family’s garage.  Due to the pandemic, my art supplies have been limited to what I can make use of in my current environment. The size of the panels make painting a physical calming process as I make gestural strokes with the entirety of my body. In the past couple weeks I used one of the pieces of drywall to create a colorful Black Lives Matter mural that I placed along the streets in my neighborhood where many businesses have been burned, looted, and boarded up after the death of George Floyd. My main inspiration was to use art as a symbol for restoration, peace, and solidarity in times of uncertainty. 

Some future areas of exploration are illustration, claymation, and zine making. 

One wish I have is to find a community of deep thinkers, feelers, and creatives with a passion for change. Therefore, I think working at The Creative Process  with other creatives is a step in the right direction while also learning from people of all different backgrounds. 

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