In high school, I was a member of a rites of passage program for African American girls and women called Project Butterfly. Through that program, I learned how by watching certain films and listening to certain songs, I was engaging in hegemony. Growing up, I enjoyed Tyler Perry’s films, but I began to realize how these films were perpetuating degrading stereotypes about Black women. I enjoyed rap music, but I began to realize how this music was promoting violence against Balck women. Through it all, I learned how influential storytelling and creativity are, and that sort of power needs to be done with care. Although some may suggest that creativity should be limitless, one must always be aware of their audience and the meaning behind their message. Through my collaboration with The Creative Process, I hope to understand what drives other creatives to push forward in difficult times and what assures their creativity.

One wish I have for the future is social justice reform. One positive outcome of the pandemic is that it exposed the flaws in the healthcare, justice, education, and economic systems in the United States. The first area that needs change is the justice system because it is built on racism. To move forward towards achieving this goal, federal and local governments must work to remove flawed laws with the help of community organizations and social justice activists.

My recent project includes starting a website analyzing different sorts of media. The first thing that I have chosen to produce is a character analysis of Pop in the film Get on the Bus. The website’s goal is to explore and analyze films, books, television shows, music, and highlight phenomenal Black women in the world. My plans for the future are to be a screenwriter and film director. Being able to both critique others’ work and take from it will help me in building my career.


by Darreonna Davis

Does pain ever actually go away

Or do we just forget about it for a while?

We tell ourselves that we’re over it,

But all it takes is one triggering








For that pain to resurface again.

I wonder,

Does pain ever really go away 

Or is it lying in our





Waiting for its return signal?


by Darreonna Davis

How can you say you’re a follower of Jesus

When you lack compassion and love for people?

How can you love God

And hate others?

Shaming them,

Judging them.

There’s no way.

To be completely inconsiderate 

And elitist

And selfish

Is not of God.

You are not of God;

You are a hypocrite.


People are using your name

To justify 





Forgive them,


They know no better.

Little Black Girl

by Darreonna Davis

Little Black Girl,

Don’t speak when adults are speaking.

Stay out of grown folks’ business.

Only speak when you are spoken to.

Only answer when someone asks you a question

And answer with your mouth, 

Not your head.

Little Black Girl,

Respect your elders.

Come when they call,

Listen when they speak,

Do as they say,

No matter the request.

Little Black Girl,

Fix your hair.

Don’t be running around here

Looking a nappy headed, 

Pickaninny ass mess.

Little Black Girl,

Take off that short skirt.

Stop showing everybody

Everything you got,

With your fast ass.

Little Black Girl,

You are only expected to do a few things in life:


Be silent.

Be obedient

Serve all who take from you

With kindness and care.

You are not to think outside of the box

That you have been placed in.

You are not to stand up for yourself.

You are not to be ambitious.

Little Black Girl,


Be silent

Be obedient,

Serve all who take from you.