The summer before my senior year of high school, I had the opportunity to visit Costa Rica on a school trip. We traveled around the country, experiencing costa rican culture, which heavily includes the environment and sustainability. We got to spend 5 days in the rain forest with no service or electrcity, with our alarm clocks being the tucans that woke us up. I understood how important these areas are, and how we should appreciate forests and all the animals in them. Getting to experience true off the grid culture and sustainability within the country is something that I don't want to lose, and something I want to become a norm in the United States.
Storytelling and creativity are what I think drives our world. Imagine a world without any art. It would be dark, grey, and filled with only facts. Storytelling makes people think outside the box. When you understand people's stories, you better understand the world and how to appreciate it. Art and creativity make people think and become more empathetic. That is what I want to do. I want people to understand the world through others' eyes and see that we need to care about the environment.

Right now I mostly focus on school, which includes writing essays for classes about sustainability and environmental justice. In the future, I want to write about sustainability and try to make cities more sustainable by adding sustainable housing, adding green spaces, and bettering public transportation.