As a native Virginian, one of the things I have enjoyed most about living here is the stark change in seasons and the differences between each of them. I typically enjoy spending my time hiking whenever the weather permits, but some of the things that are hard to ignore while traipsing through the forest is the ever present sound of cars whirring by or the stray Dorito bag floating past you, carried by a gust of wind. We as a society have begun poisoning our own home, and I am passionate about the preservation of our environment through protecting areas which are rich in wildlife and natural resources.

As someone who is planning to major in economics and minor in data analytics, I find there is not much time for me to have any creative outlet, which is honestly why I was interested in this internship to begin with. I am currently a part of the Women’s Business Forum here at UVA as well as Blueprint Leadership where I am implementing my idea of creating an app using QR codes to show which study spaces are occupied and am leading a group of my peers to help me in this effort. I hope that if I am able to participate in the Creative Process I will be able to enjoy the creative aspects of myself.

When I was a child, my mom would read me stories every night. And when I say every night, I mean it. There was no escaping this nightly event, but honestly I didn't want to. And as I progressed from being read the short stories of Dr.Seuss I began to explore

longer and more complex stories of my own like Harry Potter and the Lord of the Rings series. Sure, these stories may have had no discernible applications to the real world but when you look deeper there is plenty of importance in reading stories like that. These stories give you strong characters that you aspire to be like, they teach you that dreaming big is okay, and they allow you to empathize with people that aren't even real. Through the Creative Process, I hope to be able to share and learn about all different types of experiences that all different types of people have been through. I hope to be able to have a creative outlet in which I can explore stories that interest me and help get those stories out to anyone who might want to listen.