My name is Reina Protzel, and I’m a Collaborating Curator from Tulane University. I’m from the greater New Orleans area. I’m majoring in Art History on the pre-medicine track. I’ve had a love for the visual arts since I was young, and I look forward to expanding my interests and experiencing new perspectives with The Creative Process.
I like to combine my interest in visual language with literary arts and other modes of creative expression. In this capacity, I edited the Literary Magazine and ran the writing club at Metairie Park Country Day School. I have also seen the enormous healing benefits of the arts through volunteering at the geriatrics department of the Community Living Center and St. Margaret’s Daughters Nursing Home. The sense of community generated through collaboration and creative endeavors is something I really enjoy, whether it’s running the Bridging Generations Club at Tulane, helping manage the Green Club or interning at Arts District New Orleans. I have learned so much from each of these experiences and being able to celebrate the wonderful creative and educational community of Tulane and New Orleans is a great opportunity to share what I love about home with the rest of the world.