I think that storytelling is how we form our identities and understand different identities. Through breaking down why creatives are driven to tell stories and making stories widely available, individuals can learn to analyze and tell their own stories, and determine their own histories and futures.

At the Creative Process, I am furthering my understanding of creativity and learn from professionals and experts in creativity and supporting creativity. I’ve had experience in a museum setting and am curious about creative curation and development. I also love podcasts and have done some amateur work with them, but I would love to further my work and growth in producing/assisting with podcasts. I also think working with The Creative Process would allow me to blend my own artistic work in writing and visual art with supporting and spotlighting others experiences.

In the past year, I’ve had wonderful opportunities to blend my personal creative pursuits with my experience in classes and the artistic community at my college. I recently finished a short Creative Writing portfolio that includes a pair of short stories and one flash fiction piece. I’ve also been continuing my work on a photography project/exhibition that I began in a class during my first semester, the work explores questions of home, family and landscape. I’ve also been using my excess free time in quarantine to return to working with oil paints and continue to grow my voice in screenwriting.

I don’t have an extremely specific vision for my future, and at this point in my life I want to focus on growing my creative identity and learning more about the opportunities/careers in the creative and/or creative-adjacent world. I would love to work creatively myself, but also learn more about how to best support and learn from creatives in our world.