I wholeheartedly believe that storytelling is one of the most important mediums of journalism and communication today. While we are constantly exposed to this overload of quickheadlines and clickbait articles, deeper meanings (and the truth) are regularly lost. Yet, people still are hungry for the inspiration and information that stories can convey; I mean, it shows me a lot about our society that people who blast through hundreds of social media posts a day also take the time to consume three-hour podcasts. I always retain the most information when I am taught through a story – it’s an inherently human trait. And storytelling is often paired best with a good dose of creativity. Much like exercise, creativity is a muscle that must be worked on for a balanced life, but is often pushed to the side in our busy lives.

So, access to good storytelling and a creative outlet is what attracts me to The Creative Process. I really value these things because of how they’ve impacted my life so far, and would love to apply them to my career. The added benefit of collaborating with The Creative Process is the notion that I would be able to help generate and spread creative storytelling to others which would be nothing but fulfilling.

I always found that the professional and personal experiences in which I am most fulfilled are when I am creating some sort of content. I believe that most people never even have the chance to find this out about themselves – I’m a lucky one. My luck came in the form of my time on The Harbinger, a nationally-renowned high school newspaper. Through my four years of journalistic duty, rising to the rank of Editor-in-Chief, I discovered a passion for writing, visual media, working with technology, and simply talking to people I would never normally have the chance to meet. Since then, I have explored different realms of content creation outside of journalism, marketing for small businesses, working at a video production startup, and starting my own drone videography company. These sort of creative projects form the foundation of my future career path. While my graduation from Chapman University this May approaches fast, I am looking for a job that allows me to combine my skill set with something I love, which happens to be podcasts.