My grandfather was the greatest person alive. He was my best friend, a father figure in my life, and everything else. He was my whole heart. My joy. He had the biggest heart, loved his family more than he loved himself, and was always trying to help someone. My grandfather was a man of his word. When I was little girl, he always took care of me. He always gave me my favorite cereal in the morning, made clubhouses for me out of sofa pillows and blankets, and always made sure I was never bored. He taught me all my life lessons as a little girl. He’s had such a great impact on my life. He would walk me to school and watch me play on the chalked, dented, and cracked concrete during morning recess. It was always the little things he did that mattered so much to me. I tear up every time I think of him. My grandfather always made sure everyone was okay before he was. He always wanted everyone to be at peace with themselves. I think that was the problem. He spent so much of his time making sure others were okay, that he didn’t have time to make sure he was okay. As my grandfather got older, he became more and more unhappy. Things in general became a lot harder for my family throughout the past two years. On Father’s Day of 2016, I lost my grandfather to suicide. A hole sits in my heart until this very day. He will always be remembered. He is my joy and happiness, and instead of dwelling on what happened, I choose to think about all the amazing things he and I did together. All the things he has done for my family and me. No one will ever take my grandfather’s place. No one can ever compare to my grandfather. He will always be the greatest person in my life! I am so grateful for the time I spent here on earth with him. He means so much to me. He is the person who means the most to me. I love you and miss you dearly, Abuelo.