Now I am pursuing a future in education policy at Stanford University with a potential B.A. in African and African American Studies and minor in Education. My interests still heavily include reading and writing, but drawing has become really important to me as well. I am still searching for ways to pursue it more seriously as it started as a hobby and now is an outlet for my thoughts and canvas for my dreams. 

Growing up, I wanted to be many things: a fairy, the President, a veterinarian (that one lasted longest), and a librarian amongst others. My parents, even with how little they had, ensured that they did everything within their capabilities to provide me with endless opportunities. From coming to the States, to helping me late into the night with my homework, to supporting my love for reading and drawing. Every Saturday we would make our way to Felipe de Neve Library, just a few blocks down, and it was there that I first found books. I found Betty, in the Archie comics, Maeve, from the Beacon Street Girls, Cleopatra in the Dear Diaries series, Jo in Little Women. I looked up to them, related to them, found a home in them. The Felipe de Neve Library has since been more than a place to check out books, but a second home.