I am now preparing illustrations for the 24 solar terms, an ancient Chinese system that calculate and depict the variation and cycles of the natural world, e.g., the change of seasons, climate, and phenology. The 24 solar terms that have been passed down to us across the long river of history still play a determining role in guiding people, particularly helping farmers navigate the agricultural industry and facilitating geologists’ research projects. I plan to continue creating my illustration and get a master’s degree.

In my opinion, one of the most important parts of the arts and storytelling is sharing experiences. As simple as it sounds, sharing experiences, from my perspective, is essential to the construction of a better world. Nowadays everyone can easily share their daily lives and all kinds of experiences on social media, but that is not storytelling. Storytelling requires people to have the creative means of sharing their experiences in a fascinating way that create emotional feedback to audiences. No matter how you tell a story, via a painting, via podcast, via presentation, you need to use the story and the experiences you are sharing to bring people together, creating a shared relationship of feeling and, more importantly, communicating with each other through your story. Storytelling, I believe, is the way of bringing people together, regardless of the person’s ethnic identity, cultural background, etc. People come together, unified by a singular story, and then open the path of endless sharing of all kinds of stories of different individuals, wisdom, and of course, retaining the precious mindset of openness to new ideas.

With The Creative Process, I am learning how to plan an exhibition, create cultural programming, absorbing new perspectives from people from varied backgrounds people and perspectives.

Tell us your thoughts about the beauty and wonder of the natural world and the kind of planet we’re leaving for future generations

To me, the firefly is almost like a genie. Their amazing nature makes fireflies the most environmentally-friendly and unbelievably efficient means of light producing via magic and internal biological and chemical reactions that occur in their tiny bodies. They are the stars in the dark night that generate what I would describe as a magic atmosphere. Unfortunately, with the modern city expanding and endless construction that’s happening in my grandparents’ home in the countryside, I can hardly see fireflies at night anymore. I cannot promise or dare to say that I alone can make a concrete difference and improve the global natural world. However, I have the conviction to creatively make illustrations, posters, and engage other creative and artistic means to contribute my talents to raise people’s awareness of environmental protection and sustainability.


The inspiration for this painting came from my reflection on the California wild-fire disaster during the COVID-19 pandemic. More than ever, from my perspective, humans need to critically reflect on the symbiotic relationship between us and nature. The fire in my painting not only reflects fire itself, but also natural disasters created by human activity. If people are still indifferent to the challenges of the natural environment and continue on the same path, the forest, or the entire natural world, will likely only exist in our memories eventually.

Instagram @Xinjin_art