I’m really interested in working as a collaborating curator for traveling exhibition with this  international educational initiative. I am getting experience in exhibition work–how an exhibition is installed, how it travels, how the artists are involved in the making of the exhibition, etc. The Creative Process is an amazing place for me to acquire such experiences because its main foundation is exhibitions. Overall, installation of exhibitions is my main focus for this last year of college, since it might help me decide if that’s what I really want to do for graduate school.

Some of my recent projects include internships at the Hirshhorn and The Antiquities Coalition. I also did a photo project called “Museum Series”, which consisted of 10 black and white photographs taken in different museums around Washington DC. Through this project I explored today’s museum culture and emphasized through the photographs that museums are all about experience, rather than the artworks itself. 

I am graduating this upcoming May, and thinking about going straight to graduate school in Europe to study either “Museum Studies” or “Curatorial Studies”.