In all, I believe my museum work and international experience has fostered a strong skill set in managing, understanding, and working with art. I am drawn to the exciting and refreshing nature of The Creative Process. The nature of this constantly evolving and traveling exhibit immediately caught my interest.

Within the past three years, I have been working in and around museums consistently. For over a year at UC Berkeley, I worked as a Curatorial Intern with the Berkeley Art Museum. From handling loan agreement forms to editing catalogue layouts, I gained valuable experience in navigating the logistical obstacles and details of curating. In addition, I spent two semesters as the Berkeley Art Museum Student Committee Museum Liaison. Working alongside museums curators and archivists, I organized student-staff mentorships, tours of exhibitions, and curator-led talks to students. I also spearheaded a student-curated Five Tables exhibit to encourage students to gain a voice in curating. In addition, I interned with the Los Angeles Natural History Museum as an Archival Assistant. Updating and reorganizing their archive, I fostered first hand experience in system databases, museum archival management, and organizing physical specimens. Lastly, I have studied abroad in Paris, Berlin, and Bordeaux, France for Art History and French programs. As such, I am fluent in French and so it’s also very interesting that The Creative Process began with The Sorbonne.

Within these programs, I was introduced to new art historical perspectives that further broadened and challenged my own. Within my art history classes and their excursions to museums, I broadened my art historical knowledge and eye for different styles of curating.