I think there is a lot of value in storytelling because of the way people form and develop connections. I have found so much inspiration for my own work through understanding other people. Storytelling is the basis of our existence as humans, and there is so much good that comes from learning about others. In my personal life, I have found myself falling back on my ability to create art in times of struggle and hardship. I am forever grateful for the ability to express myself in different ways. Through my collaboration with The Creative Process I hope to be able to make those inspiring connections for other people. 

Recently I have been studying anatomical presentations of the human body in works of art, and my particular interest lies within the scientific development of anatomy over time. This connects to my broader interest in understanding time periods and artistic processes. While my academic focus is mostly centered on art history and intersections with mathematics, I have found an immense amount of carry over from my school work into my own personal artistic production.