I believe that storytelling is a fundamental human instinct - we all love to tell stories, whether through art or poetry or actions.  My personal favorite method is via poetry, after a creative writing class, I’ve continued to pursue poetry as a hobby.  I believe that both storytelling and creativity give humans a way to find and express their inner selves to both themselves and others.  Through this experience, I hope to have interactions with a variety of people, and hear their stories and lives from their perspectives.  I love talking to people, I love hearing about the little things in their lives, and I would love to have the chance to experience that through The Creative Process.

My latest hobby has been digital prints - I’m working towards creating my own art, rather than imitating others’, but it’s been a fun activity to pick up during quarantine.  I also still casually work as the social media coordinator for my winter internship, because I enjoy the company (check us out @honeycutkitchen) and the work that I do for them.  This summer, I’m looking forward to working with a vitamin company, as well as taking classes and working as a lifeguard and swim instructor.  I don’t know what I want to do for a career yet, but in terms of my plans for the future, I want to continue exploring different options, and hopefully find a career I’m passionate about, and surrounded with other passionate people. 

Where I’m From

I am from puff

From Morningstar and cereal

I am from the ocean in the backyard

The sunsets and rises

It looked like candy

I am from the fenced in grass

The tree in the front

Breaking hazardously through the sidewalk

I’m from snow and hairbrushes

And always from Chris

I’m from overprotection

And the call-me-if-you-need-mes,

From Spanish jokes and Islands meals

I’m from there-she-is

And a mop of curly hair

A misunderstanding to laugh at for years

I’m from bunkbeds and twin beds

Ice cream sundaes and days on the lake

From the tanks in his office

Surrounded by smiles

The way none of us can see

I am from My Gym

And bagels and driving

Long hours, nothing changing

I am from skylights

Shining down on my face

And the mantel I never quite saw