Storytelling and creativity, at the very least, is invaluable to me and my personal interests, ideals, morals, and well-being, but it goes so much further than that. This particular point in history is a perfect example – with the rise of COVID-19 and many people around the world being stuck inside, what many people are turning to for entertainment, connection, and distractions are the very things this question addresses – storytelling and creativity. Films, television, books, video games, painting, writing, social media production – these all stem from storytelling and creativity, and may be some of the only things keeping people stuck in place afloat, which proves that the importance of such things is deeply rooted in stimulating the mind and allowing for inspiration of continued creativity.

With The Creative Process, I am gaining insight into the networking and connection of creative people and institutions, learning more about the creative process of podcast creation. Working at something interesting that’s actually in my field and being able to make a wonderful addition to my resume, helps me make connections with creative genius.

For the last few years I’ve been finishing my undergrad, I haven’t had time for a lot of non-school-related personal creative projects, but I have found fulfilment in the large creative undertakings I have come to produce through my courses. In the last few years, I feel the most proud to report that I’ve created two full-length scripts, one for screen and one for stage, both loose adaptations. I’ve also written several short stories, workshopped and revised in several different courses by groups by like-minded literary peers. Additionally, although it’s not my specialization, I’ve had poems featured in literary publications on campus,